Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween! Also a release.

Hey all, letting you know that if you're not busy with candy, we have a new release up tonight for patrons! It finishes out the Military camp mission encounters as planned, as well as starts up Double D's romance chain. Check back tomorrow for our next free release and the monthly status update! Patch notes below, Patreon post found here.

v0.34.1 Change Log
Game Functions:
  • None
Mission Content:
  • 1 secondary and 1 primary mission encounters added to Figura Military Camp mission set.
Scene Content:
  • Specialist Double D Romance Scene 1.
Art Content:
  • None
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • Text scroll on mission encounters now resets to the top on the post-action text.
  • Fixed issue with random mission generation not being very random, cleaned up other randomization factors as well.​
Known Issues:
  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

Friday, October 18, 2019

v0.34.0 Patron Release

Hey all, letting you know that v0.34.0 is now up for patrons! 'Military camp' themed mission encounters are now in, with more planned for the next update. We also have four new department backgrounds added, with just one left to finish the set! There's a patron poll currently running to choose the next art theme, so now would be a fine time to consider signing up. More details on the patreon post, and patch notes below:

v0.34.0 Change Log
Game Functions:
  • Monthly Cheat Code Updated
  • Randomized Missions now identify their location.
Mission Content:
  • Figura Military Camp Randomized Missions added, 3 secondary encounters, 1 primary encounter.
Scene Content:
  • None
Art Content:
  • Lencist Roboticists Department background added to Scenes and Gallery.
  • Maelish Pilots Department background added to Scenes and Gallery.
  • Vox Propagandists Department background added to Scenes and Gallery.
  • Roth Workers Department background added to Scenes and Gallery.​
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

v0.32.1/v0.33.1 Releases!

Hey all, letting you know that v0.33.1 is now up for patrons, and v0.32.1 is now up on the Downloads tab! This latest release fills out a lot of minor mission functionality bits, leaving the code in a pretty good state to focus back on writing content for a good while. You can check out the State of the Game post for more details, and patch notes below:

v0.33.1 Change Log
Game Functions:
  • Added support for gender preference setting-based text switching in Mission encounters.
  • Added functionality for updating encounter portrait images based on selected solutions (ie, stripping down).
  • Added support for Mission reward type: Impersonation Skill Bonus. This is a new fourth factor used when calculating overall impersonation skill, and is not capped like the previous categories (although total skill is still capped at 100%).
  • Added functionality for non-climax Department scene backgrounds.
Mission Content:
  • Watch Station Main Encounter 1 updated for gender preferences and portrait swaps.
  • Watch Station Secondary Encounters 1 and 2 updated to include rewards.
  • New Watch Station-based randomized mission encounters: two minor and one main encounter.
Scene Content:
  • None
Art Content:
  • Roth Department Scene 5 added to Scenes and Gallery.
  • Harian and Schen Specialist backgrounds now pulling duty as Department visit backgrounds.
  • Celopi Department background added to Scenes and Gallery.
Codex Entries:
  • None
Bug Fixes:
  • None
Known Issues:
  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.