Friday, August 18, 2023

v0.12.1 Update

Evening all, the mid-month update is here! This release focused almost entirely on writing, and in particular kicks off a mini-storyline featuring six characters from Carnal Coup, The Sorority! The clone sisters were chosen to cameo in a poll some months ago, and the time has come for them to make their appearance. The rest of the month will focus on completing this storyline, with some Sorority-Seeder fun sure to come. For more info, you can check out the patch notes below, or the Patreon post here.

v0.12.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Functionality added to support dynamic multi-character portraits.

Scene Content:

  • Second scene in Harian Leader plotline added, unlocked at the Defense Platform 40 hours following the first.
  • Third scene in Harian Leader plotline added, unlocked at Victorious 20 hours following the second.
  • First Sorority scene added, unlocked at the Path's End Observatory following the first Seeder Leader scene.

Art Content:

  • Sorority portrait artwork added.

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Crew Roster can no longer be viewed during scenes with important progress flags, to avoid potential issues arising from taking a break to seduce a crewmember in the middle of an important scene.

Known Issues:

  • None​

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

v0.11.0/v0.12.0 Updates

Hey all, it's update time! v0.11.0 is now available for the public at the usual page, and v0.12.0 is now up for patrons! This update primarily focuses on adding new functionality to the procedural sex scenes, allowing players to request NPC actions rather than having to wait for the RNG to trigger them. There's also a few new scenes in both factions to enjoy. The coming month will focus almost entirely on writing, although adding in the next set of factions may be close on the horizon. For more info you can check out the Patreon post here, or the patch notes below:

v0.12.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Players may now make specific requests of partners during procedural Romance Scenes, rather than waiting for random events:
    • Players must be involved in a multi-person position for the option to appear.
    • Players may make any number of requests, but changing position or canceling requests will turn all requests inactive.
    • Partners with active requests will not randomly change their current behavior, unless they have the 'Royalty' trait.
    • Romance Scene help text updated with current functionality status.

Scene Content:

  • Second scene in Sage Lantana plotline added to Everroots, unlocked 40 hours after the first.
  • Third scene in Harian Civilians plotline added to Victorious, unlocked 40 hours after the second. Bonus variant available with 150 millitals.

Art Content:

  • None

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • Improved reliability of timer flags being updated during save compatibility checks.
  • Fixed bug where the XO character creation screen would display the career selection option if the player character was a shapeshifter (any career selected here has no effect).
  • Fixed issue where the starting ship name would be reset immediately after renaming. Affected ships can be renamed at the DTF Dockyards. 
  • Typo fixes.

Known Issues:

  • None