Monday, August 15, 2022

Carnal Voyages v0.1.0 Public Release

Evening all - the time has come! The first public, playable alpha release of Carnal Voyages is now available at our new page! I'd also strongly recommend swinging by the latest Patreon post as I've put up info concerning not just the new release, but also the coming resumption of 'normal' Patreon service. TL;DR: Patreon releases will be coming back in October, at higher tier rates than Carnal Coup releases had. However, all existing Carnal Coup rewards will continue to be available at their existing tiers.

I'll be doing an overhaul of both the Patreon and this site probably in the next month or so, so watch this space for changes - and of course, try out the game and let us know what you think!

Monday, August 1, 2022

State of the Game - Seeders Preview

Hey all, it's status time, and things are getting close! Main writing tasks for the introduction sequence are complete, and the remaining tasks for the first release are mostly minor filler writing or structural (such as getting a new page running). I'm not setting any specific release date, but it will be sometime this month, so check this space or the Patreon for updates! Until then, check out the post here for more details, and enjoy this picture of a plant: