Friday, March 31, 2017

v0.3.2 Supporter Release / v0.3.1 Public Release

Got a double whammy for you folks this week, with updates to both our public and Patron releases! Public players will be getting v0.3.1, while Patrons are getting v0.3.2 - note that from here on however, public releases will be a full month behind Patrons, so v0.3.2 won't be public until May. Of course, you can play it today by putting in a buck, so, eh, eh?

As usual you can find the full info on the Patreon page, but here are your v0.3.2 patch notes:

Game Functions:

* Image Gallery (Cheat Mode Function)

Scene Content:

* Roboticist Citizen Specialty Scene

Art Content:

* Nine uniformed Harian female variants, retouches to nude Harian female variants.
* Harian Citizen Specialty Scene

Codex Entries:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Removed ability to shapeshift as a Vessian Male during citizen seduction attempts.

Known Issues:

* The background image disappears in fullscreen mode.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

This week heavily focused on the image gallery and art updates, so written content was a bit lighter. You can expect to see a focus on content for the next few months, though, starting soon with our third featured race!

And for your v0.3.1 game links:

Windows Download WebGL

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