Thursday, October 1, 2020

v0.44.1/v0.45.1 Releases

 Hey all, letting you know that v0.44.1 is now up for free on the Downloads tab, and v0.45.1 is now out for patrons! The latest release focuses on code work for further refinements to the progression system, including new recruit operations you can perform to get more points out of your agents. You can check out the patreon post here, and I also recommend checking out the latest State of the Game post now up here! Or, you can read the patch notes below:

v0.45.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • The Citizen Recruit screen will now offer the opportunity to launch recruit operations once you have three active recruits. The operations come in three kinds, and each day you will have the option of choosing between two of them.
    • Each operation will require one citizen of a specified species and gender, and two other recruits to support them.
    • Operations will always succeed and grant you a number of advancement points suitable for the operation type.
    • The recruit assignment screen is still in-progress and can be 'Continued' past without assigning agents for the time being.
  • Citizen seduction has been changed to a random chance instead of a flat '50 points to succeed' check. Your point value now represents your % chance of success.

Mission Content:

  • Mission Encounter rewards have been adjusted. Some options which used to reward General points will now reward Liberator or Infiltrator points. Rewards which still give General points have generally had their point value increased. Some additional points rewards have been added.

Scene Content:

  • None

Art Content:

  • Sorority/Octo Group CG added to scenes and gallery.

Codex Entries:

  • Minor edits to Citizens section.

Bug Fixes:

  • The recruit assignment screen will now properly display the number of active female recruits you have.

Known Issues:

  • TTS dialogue cannot be interrupted once begun. May have issues if triggered on multiple screens at once. TTS support is 64-bit Windows only.
  • WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.

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