Friday, June 14, 2024

v0.22.1 Supporter Update

Evening all, it's mid-month update time! Fairly straightforward update this cycle, with two new scenes for the reptilian Schen scientists - and new artwork for the Happee Specialist duo! I'll be continuing work on the Schen for the rest of the month, before likely swapping back to the Seeders next month. You can check out a preview of the new artwork here, and the patch notes are below:

v0.22.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • None

Scene Content:

  • Third Dr. Geesht scene added, unlocked 20 hours after the second. Added to Replay Mode.
  • Second Dr. Erasche scene added, unlocked 20 hours after the first. Added to Replay Mode.

Art Content:

  • Happee Specialist portraits added to scene and gallery. Nude versions can be unlocked in gallery via cheats.

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • None

Known Issues:

  • None

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