Friday, February 10, 2017

v0.2.1 Update


The first weekly update is here! Not that it will always be weekly updates, but that is my goal for this initial trial period, as I attempt to iron out any and all functionality issues. That has been the focus for 0.2.1, as you'll see in the patch notes below. With any luck, by time the "official" launch comes around, the game functionality should be fully complete, and it'll just be a matter of slotting in content. Thanks to everyone who's played and given feedback so far, keep it coming! Along with Roboticist content, other things on my current to-do list include setting up a Codex and setting up the interface for unlocking advanced scenes. Currently those are all unlocked by default, given the lower level of content currently in the game, but I do intend to add just a bit of gameplay to the game as more content is added.

v0.2.1 Change Log

Game Functions:

* Players can now load games without going through the introduction screens.
* The ability to exit the game using the ESC key has been added (Note: has no effect in WebGL).
* You can now change the font size in options.
* Text option settings are now saved in save games.
* Credits/Info Panel added.

Scene Content:

* Roboticist Dept Scene 4

Art Content:

* None

Bug Fixes:

* Corrected advancement issue with visiting departments for non-implemented races.
* Corrected pronoun switches in Commando Director Scene 1.
* Minor typo fixes.

Known Issues:

* Options setting to change NPC gender preferences during gameplay is not working correctly.
* The background image disappears in fullscreen mode.
* WebGL Issues: Be warned that save game data in WebGL mode is less permanent than PC standalone. May also be more prone to memory and other issues.


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